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Job Openings

Interested in joining our growing community? Our Open and Affirming church is currently hiring for the following positions:

Administrative Assistant: The Administrative Assistant is a communications specialist using a variety of platforms to communicate with our medium sized congregation throughout the month. This person is the first face and voice during the work week staff, contractors, visitors and members meet when they come through the door or call on the phone. This person is highly organized, flexible, and will be responsible for working closely with our pastor and with the lay leadership of our congregational church which valued a shared leadership model.

Two Computer Screens
Image by Aaron Burden

Director of Christian Education: The Director of Christian Education will lead and facilitate the children and youth programs as chief educator and administrator, including staffing, training and support of the teachers and leaders, coordinating as appropriate with staff and ministry members as needed. Planning will include Church School, Summer Vacation Bible School or other summer programming, Youth Groups, and special projects, working in coordination with the Youth Group leaders and church school teachers and providing a curriculum. Requires familiarity with children’s developmental needs, and preferably would be a Certified NH Christian Educator, but the church is willing to support them to achieve their Christian Educator certification. Part Time. For more information and to apply, please click the button below. 

Audio Visual Technician: The AV technician is responsible for operating the audiovisual (AV) system as well as coordinating and scheduling a team of volunteers who can run the AV system either independently or working alongside the AV technician. Part Time. For more information and to apply, please click the button below.

Record Mixing
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