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Consider any of the opportunities to volunteer during the services:

Greeter - Welcoming visitors and members to worship 

Usher -  Ensure worshippers have bulletins and other worship aides and collect the morning's offering

Reader - Assist in worship by reading scripture or other readings assigned for the day


Fellowship Hour - providing hospitality through food; can be as simple or as extravagant as you like.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the church office.


The Friendly Kitchen

Any South Church member or friend interested in becoming part of the South Church teams who provide Friendly Kitchen meals on the 1st Saturday of each month are invited to contact Ginny to arrange for an orientation and training session.


If you are interested in becoming part of this fellowship and important outreach please contact the church office at (603)224-2521.

Feed My Sheep

Each week South Church members include "food for church" in their weekly grocery list. All are invited to bring these nonperishable food items to church on Sunday and deposit them in the wooden crates at the back of the Sanctuary or in the grocery cart in the outreach closet in Fellowship Hall. Each month these collections are delivered to a local food pantry.  Please consider how you are being asked to feed the hungry.

South Congregational Church, UCC

27 Pleasant St.

Concord, N.H. 03301


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Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm

Sunday Morning Schedule (September 8 - December, 2024)

9:00 - 10:00am: Adult Education beginning in October

9:30 - 10:00am: Choir Rehearsal 

10:00-10:15am: Gathering and transition time

10:15-11:15am: Worship Service

10:30-11:30am: Sunday School hour begins after the Children’s message.  

11:15-11:30am+: Coffee and Fellowship 

11:30-2:00am: Confirmation Class 



We follow the Concord School District

for inclement weather closures.

When in doubt, please call the office before

venturing out.

Sign up for texts!

Morning Prayer:

Wednesdays 8:00am

Join via Zoom here.

Evening Prayer:

Mondays: 7:30pm
Join via Zoom here.

Password: 061355 

Happy Hour AA:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5:30pm

© 2023 by South Church

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