South Congregational Church
Focus on Mission
We are a congregation committed to service. A high percentage of our congregation is actively involved in the life of the church. Our Coordinator of Volunteers is here to help guide members in finding appropriate areas for involvement, and in matching people with the many opportunities to serve that occur in the life of the church. The talents and energies of our lay leaders are significant assets to South Church.
We participate in the mission of the wider church through strong support of Our Church's Wider Mission, monthly communion offerings, budgeted support for a number of local needs, and various special appeals. South Church is a leader among New Hampshire UCC congregations in its annual per-member giving to mission and outreach. Representatives from South Church have visited Agua Caliente in El Salvador, where we have developed a sistering relationship. Our congregation has participated for several years as a Bread for the World Covenant Church; as part of Bread For the World's annual Offering of Letters.
Faith in Action - Service Sunday
The Faith in Action Ministry of South Church sponsors a work day out in the community and with in community. Participants gather for a blessing and assignments and then make their way to work for our non-profit community partners and some much needed projects at South Church. Stay tuned for more information from Faith in Action
Senior High Community Service and Mission Trips
The Senior High Youth Group participates in local community service projects and makes an annual mission trip focused on meeting the needs of others, learning about social injustice in our world, and growing personally and spiritually. In recent years, this group has traveled to New Orleans; Ottawa, Canada; and West Virginia. Experiences have included building for Habitat for Humanity, serving in soup kitchens, and exploring the local culture. Each year our youth raise funds for Christmas gifts for teens, and work in various local mission opportunities.
Food Assistance
Every week we collect nonperishable food items for area food pantries in both faith communities and non-profit organizations. Members of our congregation volunteer at the Friendly Kitchen on the first Saturday of each month. We sponsor and support our Blessings Box, a "Little Free Pantry" initiative.
Helping Those In Need
South Church Relief Society assists those in financial need in the Concord Area. We provide meeting space for self-help groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, and Narcotics Anonymous.