South Congregational Church

About us
A bit about South Church and the United Church of Christ
“Passionate.” “Loving.” “Energetic.” “Challenging.” “Spiritually Alive.” “Real.“ These are some of words people use to describe South Church. Many have said, "I walked in the door and I just knew that I was home."
We are a diverse, progressive, Open and Affirming, downtown congregation of the United Church of Christ. We really mean it when we say, "Whoever you are, wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here."
We are a radically hopeful community of faith and we express the extravagant love of Jesus Christ with one another and with those we meet. Creative worship, excellence in preaching, witnessing to our faith, and simply enjoying one another's company are core aspects our life together.
We believe that God has blessed each person with unique gifts and talents for service in the church, and that our job is to encourage one another to share and use those gifts. We offer Faith Formation programs for children, youth, adults and seniors that include church school, bible studies, youth groups, Confirmation Class, fellowship groups, retreats, mission trips and pilgrimages. We minister to the poor and the homeless by working with and supporting the work of the Friendly Kitchen, the Concord Homeless Resource Center, Families in Transition, the New Hampshire Crisis Center, Fellowship House, and Riverbend. We encourage people to be engaged in witness for issues of peace and justice.
We believe that God has spoken to us through the scriptures, but we also believe that "God is Still Speaking" in fresh new ways to us today, and this means that being faithful requires our devotion, our critical thinking and our willingness to be open to differences of opinion. We make God's love the center of all we do, relying on the example of Jesus Christ to guide us, the sacred words of scripture to inspire us, and the Holy Spirit to strengthen us.